
ESG Reporting

Get detailed ESG screening and analysis when we put your investments under the microscope and perform a screening of up to 67 different ESG criteria.

Unlock the ‘black box’ of your portfolio’s sustainability profile with ESG Reporting

From an investor perspective, the sustainability of an investment portfolio is often considered to be a bit of a ‘black box’.

With a detailed ESG screening, we unlock this ‘black box’ and offer you a detailed insight into the sustainability profile of your investments.

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With our ESG Reporting, you get

  • Detailed ESG screening and analysis – we put your investments under the microscope and perform a screening of up to 67 different ESG criteria.
  • Transparency in the sustainability of your portfolio – we offer insight into the level of sustainability in your portfolio compared to other portfolios.
  • Clarity regarding the impact of your investments – we illustrate how each company in your portfolio affects the overall sustainability profile of your total investments.
  • A tool to safeguard your values – we disclose whether your banks and asset managers comply with your sustainability and ethical requirements.

Gain insight into the sustainability and societal impact of your investments

Investors increasingly seek to integrate ESG factors into their investment process, but many are left with a lack of clarity regarding the impact of their investments.

Banks and asset managers are often unable to document the actual sustainability profile of an investment portfolio, forcing you to allocate the resources to screen the portfolio yourself if you want to obtain this knowledge.

With our ESG reporting, we put an end to this inability to easily and accurately assessing how sustainable an investment portfolio is. In collaboration with Matter, we provide you with an instant overview of the sustainability profile of your portfolio.

We do so by evaluating each individual investment on up to 50 different ESG criteria related to climate and environmental considerations, working conditions and human rights, and responsible business operations. We perform a detailed screening of all your investments across asset managers and provide you with a unique and holistic insight into the overall sustainability across your entire portfolio.

In addition, we analyze how your portfolio is positioned compared to other portfolios, and we disclose the companies that influence each of the ESG criteria the most – both positively and negatively.

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We have entered into a strategic partnership with Matter

The Danish fintech company, Matter, serve as our ESG-analysis and -screening specialist. They use advanced technology to collect ethics and sustainability data from more than 13,000 companies worldwide.

Matter focuses exclusively on ESG, and the company introduced the first sustainable pension plan in Denmark in 2018.

Their expertise is based on significant experience from the UN, the asset management industry, and the software industry.

Get a tool to define ESG policies and enforce these in the agreements with your asset managers

By offering greater transparency as to how well each of the ESG factors are integrated across your entire portfolio, we enable you to define ESG policies and set quantifiable objectives for improvement.

Maybe you work in a family office where the families want their investments to align with their personal values, in a municipality that will invest exclusively in climate-friendly companies, or in a union that will only invest in companies that treat their employees properly.

No matter what, our ESG reporting serves as a tool for you to ensure that your investment portfolios are congruent with your values and beliefs, and that your banks and asset managers comply with your ethical and sustainability requirements.

Do you want to know more about our ESG reporting?

Rasmus Lund Madsen, Partner & Head of Client Relations i Hemonto
Rasmus Lund Madsen

Partner & Head of Client Relations

+45 87 42 12 16
